July 2nd, 20191435Asian online betting website, BK8 has acquired a piece of medieval antique and presented the auction item to BK8 brand ambassador, John Terry.
Former Chelsea and England defender, Terry became BK8’s brand ambassador early 2019. The partnership between Terry and BK8 has been mutually beneficial for both parties, in which BK8 managed...
May 30th, 20190371Aston Villa elevated to Premier League in the wake of winning 'Most extravagant game in football'
Aston Villa will apparently stash in at least £170m after their win, including a money increase of £95m only for playing in the Premier League, and parachute instalments of £75m - paid out throughout the following two years. That sum...
February 15th, 20190503Manila, The Philippines, February 2019 – Renowned Chelsea captain, John Terry has been named to be the ambassador of BK8.com which is one of Asia’s biggest brands in the online gaming industry. The English Premier League’s most successful club captains’ and Chelsea FC legend, John Terry, is now become the Group's first Brand...
January 15th, 20190157Summary: Anonymous winner of entertainment and gaming site BK8 donated RM5000 to charity Pertubuhan Kebajikan Rasa Sayang KL.
Kuala Lumpur – An anonymous donator won RM30,000 in the biggest online entertainment and games site www.BK8.com and has donated RM5,000 to charity Pertubuhan Kebajikan Rasa Sayang home. The anonymous donator...
January 14th, 20190270Professional Soccer Players play soccer for a living. It's not as simple as that, however. The road to a profession out there on the soccer field is paved with a lifetime of hard work, training, sweat, and pain. Professional soccer careers can be very lucrative but tend to only last for around eight years, with the average age of...